A begining....again!

So this seems like the perfect time to finally start one of these damned things.
It’s a great day outside.  All the windows in my apartment have been flung open and the Mother San Francisco’s wind is howling through here making herself at home once again.
KFOG is doing an all day, A to Z Beatles marathon.  (Maxwell’s Silver Hammer just started.)
I’ve got chicken Breasts waiting in the fridge for me to grill all to hell and devour…..That’s definitely one of my big weaknesses.  Well, that and Peanut Butter Cups, and Sushi, and Cheesecake, Oh and that really cute guy on Firefly.  No not the main character, the pilot…Alan Tudyk.
Excuse….Need to take a moment.



It’s Kind of hard to get back into the swing of this journal type thingies again.
I used to keep a journal of sorts all through high school and most of college.  Recently I revisited all my old writings and postings, hand written of course, and definitely tripped on who I used to be and how naive I used to be as well…..
Ah youth…
I’m definitely at a good place in my life.
Nice apartment.
Nice job.
Good health.
Good looks…..(okay maybe still a bit naïve)

More fragmented thoughts to follow I’m sure.


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