The return of the Allan's/Allen's...

Originally uploaded by allanismsf
So today was amazingly fun.
This is Allen Bagwell. We went to high school together when I was living in Alaska and we haven't seen each other in about 14 or so years, possibly longer.
He was able to come to SF for a few days on a cheap fare, so today was our catch up, SF walk day!
We walked up to Grace Cathedral, which he had never seen. Over to Chinatown and then Little Italy, then down to the Financial District.
Then came back up to my place and perused the old Chugiak High School yearbook and reminisced.
After that we managed to get tickets for the IMAX showing of Star Trek through Movie Bears (Love then btw!) and thoroughly enjoyed it! (it was my second time!)
He'll be back in June for a Java conferance, but was amazingly good to see him and just catch up like we had never been apart at all.

BTW , Clarke comes home in a few days and I'll be forced to watch Star Trek AGAIN! :) I think I'll survive.

Sure do miss my sweet Boo Bear BF.


  1. Boomsquared7:18 PM

    Damn.... I miss you both! You both look great. I'm glad we all keep in touch one way or another. Awesome picture! :)


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