So these last couple of weeks have been absolutely crazy.

Last weekend my good friend Ken came to visit me from Atlanta.

Of course we did all of the touristy stuffs ; Golden Gate bridge, Marin Headlands, Halloween in Castro, Conservatory of flowers, etc etc.

It was absolutely great to see the little studly.

Then this weekend my step-brother Sean got married in Stinson Beach.

The whole family was there, and it was an absolutely beautiful day!

The wedding took place on the beach, and of course, this blubbering boy cried.

The reception was up at the Stinson Beach Community Center, and by the end of the night, I was wiped.

Thank god the time changed and I had an extra hour to sleep in.

So today it's laundry, music, and just general relaxing.

God I can't wait to have a weekend to myself!!!
Pics from everything are up on my Flicker Page for viewing...


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