What can I say except UGH!!!
This new position has been kicking my ass these last 6 weeks or so.
I've barely had any time for anything!
Finally finished my shopping and wrapping today, in front of a nice fire I made myself, and listened to The Muppets Christmas Album with John Denver!
Don't ask...I regress.
I haven't even had time to call all of the people I've wanted to, to just sit back and chat, but I'll remedy that soon.
Even so, I've still made time to go see Kathy Griffin again after Thanksgiving (FRONT ROW CENTER BABY!!!!) and to see Varla Jean Merman (FRONT ROW AGAIN BABY!!!).
Got caught up on my Tivo and my laundry---you can see which is the more important.
I keep thinking how special this holiday used to be to me.
Don't know.
I see the other side of it, the retail and hellish hours and even more hellish attitudes of people who don't care about what they get as long as they get something.
Trust me....they will
I remember when I was little the happiest moment I had at Christmas was when I got my Lost In Space robot.
I broke the damned thing later that day.
I'm tired.
I'll finish up my tea and call it a night soon...



  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Varla Jean Merman engagement in LA!

    Thought you would like this news!


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