This is going to be a major BITCH session on my part, so if you don't wanna read on, then move on....

Part one....
So I have these friends that I've known since jr high and high school and college. Yes, we've known each other for ages! Lately, say maybe the last 5 years or so I have found myself being left out of activities and informative functions from them.
The most recent random emails I have received from them have simply solidified my resolve today.
Yesterday I received an email from one of them telling me that one of our friends had their baby the other day.
Well, um, and WHEN was I told that she was pregnant? She, the one I went to prom with?
Just burns my ass!
And to top it off, they both live very close to SF so its not like i'm in Iraq or something.
The last email I recieved from them, a group email, told me that her dog had died. That was probably over 10 months ago.
The mood I'm in now tells me that I need to cut my rather empty losses there.

Oh well...


  1. I hate it when people do shit like that. I had a few friends in Pittsburgh that would just randomly leave me out. It sucks.


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