Well, it's happened!
Lance Bass has finally come out of the closet and admitted that he is gay!

Read about it here.

Of course, we all knew this---the gay community.


How, you may ask?

Well, just rumblings and did you hears flying about.

But I think this has partly to do with my favorite comedian of all time.....KATHY GRIFFIN!

We went to see her at the Warfield Theatre last Friday, and she kinda outed him.

During her act on Friday she was talking about how she went out drinking with Lance one night describing him as " a good friend of mine....................AND YOURS!" referring to the gay audience she had before her.

Let me tell you, the entire audience roared!!!!

George Takei!

Lance Bass!

Who could possibly be next?

Tom Cruise?????


We don't want him any more.....
He's just tooooo freakin wierd!


  1. Wasn't there a South Park episode about Tom Cruise coming out of the closet?


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