I know it's been a while since I've last written to you--about 28 years I think---but I feel that this year I REEEEEEEEEEALLY need to get this list off my chest.

First off, that whole Brad and Jen thing....Here's what I think needs to be done:
1) I think that Jennifer needs to find a hot hunk of a man, start a family and have a little baby girl by the end of the year. She soooooooo deserves to be happy and content.
2) As for Brad, well, I think his pee pee needs to fall off and he and Angelina can be happy Lesbians together.
(No I'm not bitter)

Next, Please make "Family Guy" run forever and ever!!! It's the best friggin show on television!!!

Next, Please make that Bush fellow realize just how stupid and mistaken he really is. Iraq is not Afghanistan. Saddam is not Al Queda. Please give him a get-a-clue slap if you give him anything.

Next, Lindsay Lohan.....I think she needs a chauffeur. Just a hunch.

Next, Olson Twins......I think they need a Taco Bell built next to their house.

I think thats all for now.
Drive safe, and have a very Merry Christmas...



  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    No, I think American Dad needs to run forever and ever. May the world see every episode and know them by heart! (I hope I'm not the ONLY person on this earth that can tell what Brady Bunch episode it's going to be by just the opening scene?)

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    That's it. Nothing but coal for you.



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